
tic toc

moonlight striking my window,
my room filled with its reflection.
tic toc tic toc,
the only sound,
how annoying...

ideas floating in the air,
making their way to this page,
what a strange atmosphere.

tic toc tic toc,
can't finish my thoughts,
oh how i would love to fall asleep.

it's a constant battle,
head versus heart,
ideas and convictions,
actions and distortions of.

tic toc tic toc,
won't that sound just stop!
it could drown in the words,
words lost in my head,
rolled up in my tongue,
ink stuck in the pen.

invading ideas,
can't figure them out,
torn between torn pages,
losing sight of everything.

replaying memories,
desiring we could fool time,
what did i want to write down?

and it continues,
[a night time constant, getting lost in my head],
tic toc tic toc...

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